After all these years...

...I still can't skate backwards! We got to hone our skating skills some last night at a Back to School skate bash with our homeschool group. Skate World, our local skating rink, has a Christian Skate Night the first Thursday of every month so it was nice to hear songs that don't have questionable lyrics. A little different than racing around the rink at Skate City to 80's pop and old school hip-hop in my Salty Dog t-shirt as a younger (and much thinner) me, but fun nonetheless.

Ella got to go this year since she is school age now and she was so excited! That girl has some serious determination! She wouldn't stop trying, no matter how many times she fell. She wouldn't let us hold on to her hand - she kept saying "I'm fine Mom, you can go skate," even when I told her I wanted to be with her. Caleb was a skating fool - I don't think he stopped the whole night (except when he wanted a snow cone and proceeded to lose his balance while holding it and the entire chunk of ice sailed through the air and tumbled down with him). Caleb won a stuffed animal in the crane machine and then promptly gave it to Ella - he is so thoughtful!

Before last night, none of us had skated since Caleb's birthday party in December, but I have a feeling they will be asking to go back soon. That would be fine with me!

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