Birthday Countdown

In less than two short weeks, this little cutie will turn one! :( I can't even begin to describe the emotions this is stirring up in me for so many reasons... in fact I won't even try because it will lead to a cry-fest and I don't want to do that right now!

We are trading a big birthday bash for a fun family day at the Florida Railroad museum in Parrish, FL. There is a "Day Out With Thomas" event on the morning of his actual birthday and we are doing that together as a family. Now mind you, he has never seen Thomas the Tank Engine since we don't have cable, but what little boy doesn't love trains? We got him a little "conductor's pack" when we bought the tickets online - it is a hat, train whistle and lanyard with souvenir medallion - which will be our birthday gift to him.

Later that day we will just do cake (Thomas, of course) and ice cream at our house with extended family and close friends/neighbors. I am really excited about it and loving that I don't have to plan and prep for a birthday party, and I'm pretty sure we are coming out cheaper this way, too!

A couple of things about the soon-to-be birthday boy - he is now climbing onto the couch by himself! He says a very energetic "DA" (thank you) whenever you give him something, accompanied by a cute, flirty little smile. His last bottle was last week (he has had at least one formula feeding a day for several weeks now in preparation for weaning from nursing) :( So now we are nursing once or twice a day - first thing in the morning and sometimes before bed and then sippy cups the rest of the time.

He ran out of formula yesterday and I couldn't bring myself to buy another can so I decided to buy a gallon of whole milk instead! Back to buying 2 kinds of milk again. He didn't want anything to do with it at first, so I let it sit out for a bit while he napped. He loved it after that - I guess he wasn't digging the idea of drinking it ice cold.

He also unintentionally got to eat peanut butter and jelly last Friday - I completely forgot to take something for his lunch when we went to the beach and all the other kids were eating Uncrustables, so he got to join the fun. The jury is still out on that one - those things have way too much filling in my opinion so it may have been a little gooey for him. I will try again in a couple of weeks.

This last picture doesn't have any significance as far as milestones go, I just thought it was stinkin' cute!

1 comment:

Ella said...

I completely understand what you mean! :(

I can't believe that little cutie is almost one!! where did our babies go?????