Neighborhood Happenings

Our neighbors Tim and Christy had a new palm tree planted in their yard today - it actually came from the lot where Greg and Christina's new house is being built. The kids and I were watching out the kitchen window as the workers dug the hole where they were planting it. The guys kept looking at the kids and smiling. We eventually went outside to see everything up close. When we got out there, the coolest thing happened - the guys pulled a bird nest out of the tree! I never even knew birds built nests in palm trees! When we looked in the nest, there were two baby birds in it. They were so adorable and the kids loved watching them move around in the nest and open their little mouths.

There is a lot of renovation and new construction going on in our neighborhood so it has been fun to go on daily walks with the kids and basically watch all the houses being built before our eyes. I'm so glad the City of Lakeland has taken such an interest in rehabilitating our neighborhood and even more excited for the families who will get to be homeowners for the first time. God is at work!

Caleb dressed himself today, can you tell? :) And notice their bare feet - only on the weekdays when Daddy is at work... Mommy doesn't like shoes, either!!

1 comment:

Ella said...

those baby birds are too sweet!!
how exciting that caleb and ella got to see that!

oh, and you all were meant to live in go barefoot everywhere!!!