Girl's Night Out

Last night Ella accompanied me to the ballet - we saw Cinderella at The Polk Theater, performed by The Brandon Ballet. A neat story about the dress she wore- we bought it for Emma (my friend Sabra's little girl) to wear at our wedding 5 years ago and now our girl is wearing it. She looked so sweet, but of course I couldn't get a decent picture of her - she is pretty camera shy. Ella was so excited to see the "princesses" dancing on stage. She loved the performance and was very vocal throughout - asking questions about the show, who the characters were, pointing out things on stage... one time she said (very loudly) "Yub (love) you Momma!" We shared some popcorn, diet coke and junior mints. We ended up leaving about halfway through because she was getting a little antsy and I didn't want her distracting the people around us. I tried moving to the back of the theater but then she wanted to run around, so I decided it was time to leave. At least she was free to get in, so I didn't feel like it was a huge waste of a ticket. We hadn't eaten dinner yet, so I decided to splurge (more for myself than for her) and go to Carrabba's - only because it was Mother's Day! We sat at the pasta bar so there wouldn't be a wait and had a great time together. It really is amazing how differently they act when you are one on one with them and they aren't competing for your attention. I boxed up about half of my meal to bring home for Scott and we headed home - she loved the fact that we were driving Daddy's car!

Ella playing with her pizza dough at Carrabba's - she looks so old in this picture!

1 comment:

Ella said...

so glad you had a great mother's day weekend and a fun night with ella! yummy...carrabbas!!!