Spring 2012 Garden

I don't think I have posted any garden pics lately, so here are a couple I took today.  We have planted the usual suspects...  zucchini, squash, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and beans.  I still have my collard green plants from last season and a couple of my pepper plants are from a year ago but still producing a ton.  I also planted sunflowers and wildflowers for the girls.  I was disappointed that my basil, lettuce and radishes never sprouted. 

Daddy gave me some pine straw and Scott put it down this weekend - I love the way it looks in the garden!  Now I can't see all those pesky weeds sprouting even a couple of days after they get pulled.  I owe a huge shout-out to Uncle Austin who spend lots of time pulling weeds for me last week so we could lay the pine straw.  I had planned to do it but had to have a "suspicious" mole removed from my arm and, 6 stitches later, was warned by my dermatologist not to exercise or do yard work for at least a week.  Why couldn't he tell me I wasn't allowed to do laundry?

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