Summer Fun with our Church Friends

This has been a crazy week - we have been going to a 5-Day Bible Club in the mornings and then taking Caleb and Ella to summer camp directly from there. Then Caleb and Ella are doing an evening VBS from 6 - 8 every night.

Today was another swim day/playgroup - Trinity's Children's Ministry hosts them all summer at various homes and even provides lunch! The oldest 2 decided to go swimming today instead of summer camp. I was surprised since this is the last week of camp for them!

Tomorrow is the last field trip of the summer to Lowry Park Zoo. I am trying to talk myself into going. I have never missed, even in the midst of pregnancies and babies - it is just so stinkin' HOT this year. And then there is Jackson (anyone who has been anywhere with him knows what I mean by that). I know once I get there I will be glad we did it... I just have to get to the point of really wanting to go! And start preparing now with packing snacks and drinks and towels and changes of clothes and sunscreen and who knows what else...

Guess I better get started!

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