Life on the Porch

Anyone who knows me very well knows that I LOVE to sit on the front porch. The kids and I spend a lot of time out there in the mornings before the sun gets too hot and in the late afternoon and evenings when I don't have the energy to chase them around in the backyard but still want some fresh air. Noah loves it out there, too - just like Lillian and Jackson when they were itty bitty.

We have been improving the porch little by little and I have been on the hunt for a bistro set to put out there since we moved in four years ago. I really wanted a mosaic tabletop but wasn't finding one anywhere, not even on Craigslist. Last week when we were at the mall picking up pictures (the day our air died) I saw a set at Kirkland's that I really liked. It wasn't mosaic, but I liked it more than any of the others I have talked myself out of buying all along. I asked Scott to go look at it the next day on his way home from work. I told him not to buy it - I didn't want to make any impulse decisions... but, in true character for him, he surprised me and showed up with it in his car. I guess he really liked it, too!

Austin put it together for us and we set it out the next morning. The kids have been eating breakfast out there a lot of mornings and I am enjoying sitting out there with them to drink my coffee. It will be neat to have that time with them in the mornings once our school starts, too - we won't have to be rushing around to get everyone out the door. I envision us hanging out there in our pj's and reading books together as part of our school day, especially when it cools off some! :) I am planning to get some kind of bench to put on the other side of the porch for more seating. We are also hoping to repair/rebuild the brickwork and stairs on the front of the porch sometime soon. We are waiting on a quote from someone and hoping it isn't going to be too high since we still have to pay some hospital bills. I just keep reminding my very impatient self that these things take time, especially on one income.

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