Our Little Chocolatiers

Today I took Caleb and Lillian on a field trip to Farris and Fosters. It was their turn since Ella got to go see the Nutcracker last month. And it cost money (although not very much), so the fewer paid admissions, the better :) Luckily Jackson and I were free, although we didn't get any chocolate treats to bring home! They got to decorate a chocolate pizza slice with frosting and candy toppings, then choose three things to dip in chocolate. Jackson sat and ate a chocolate-covered pretzel and made a huge mess, but I think he had fun - even though it was right at naptime.

They have birthday parties for kids and date nights where the grown-ups get to make real chocolates - a whole pound to take home with you! My sweet tooth and love for chocolate could really get me in trouble there!

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