Our Holiday Surprise

We had our 20-week sonogram the day before Thanksgiving. No surprises there, but the fact that we decided to find out what we are having while I was laying on the table was a surprise to us and everyone else! We are proud to announce that our newest blessing is a little boy!

This is the first time we have found out the gender of our baby ahead of time, and it has been fun so far knowing. I have to wonder if I am more excited that I know or more excited that we are having a boy like I wanted :) The older two kids were with us at the appointment. Caleb was thrilled to find out he was having a baby brother (which he has been saying all along) but Ella reacted a little differently. She really wanted a little sister, but after we talked to her about it for a little while her attitude changed and she was somewhat happier.
So bring on the boy clothes! It is amazing to me how much better the selection has gotten just since Caleb was a baby. I can finally pull all of his old stuff out after being stuck under the bed for almost five years!
Oh, and would it be frivolous to buy Gator crib bedding for him? ;)


Charles and Heidi said...

So happy to hear that Caleb with have some reinforcement!! Another MacDonald boy!!
Loved seeing all the sweet MacDonald cousin pictures on Ella's blog. So cute!! Looks like everyone had a great time together. We were blessed getting to see the pictures!!

Jen said...

Congrats on having a boy!!!! Miss you guys...I wish we were closer so I could see the kids!

Jen said...

Oh yeah....and buying Gator bedding for him could never be construed as frivolous! ;)