Summer Fun

Yesterday was our first playgroup swim party of the year.  A small turnout, but some of our favorite people were there!  I encouraged my sweet little darlings to clean their rooms before we left because I knew swimming would be just the motivation they needed to get it done, and I worked on some things at the same time.  I knew I would be worn out after spending the day swimming with five kids, most of whom can't swim on their own yet, and wouldn't have much energy to do anything later in the day.

I second-guessed my decision to even go to playgroup when, within ten minutes of us getting there, I had to dive in with my clothes on to rescue Lillian who decided to jump in without her floaties (which I had told her not to do), and a friend of mine had to dive in to rescue Jackson, who had floaties on but got terrified after sliding down the kiddie slide.  He was totally above the water so I am still not sure why he was so upset.  Luckily I brought my swimsuit, just in case.  

We ate pizza and watermelon, and I took some super cute "hamburger" cookies that Caleb and Grandma made while he was in Daytona.  I even got to bring home a whole pizza which was perfect for dinner last night because I was out for the evening.  I'm so glad my kids don't mind eating the same thing twice in one day!  It won't be long until a whole Hot 'n Ready won't be enough to fill all of their hungry bellies!

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