Speaking of Caleb...

Yesterday this is how he and I spent the afternoon. (Don't you love the Dora gloves - his are at Grandaddy's house from helping in the garden so he had to wear Ella's).

We are getting some fill dirt and sod for the yard and I wanted to get rid of the cracked sidewalk first. My dear husband tried to talk me out of it but he knows how stubborn I am so he finally gave in and decided to let me work on it. I did not make CB help me (and no one made me do this project, I wanted to!) but once he found out what I was working on he was so eager to be a part of it. I kept telling him he could go inside and color or play on the computer, but he refused. I couldn't believe what a great job he did and how diligently he worked on it. So thank you, little man for all your help and for your constant willingness to serve and be helpful. And thank you Scott for understanding my stubborn streak and loving me through it!


Austin said...

I was totally wanting to help with this! I didn't know y'all were gonna do that yesterday. Did you get those pesky bricks that you knocked your toe into a while back?

japm1944 said...

Great job, Caleb. You are such a big help. Love you, Mima