Weekend in Review

Saturday we decided to go to the 2008 Annual Florida Lineman’s Competition. My feeble attempt at explaining what exactly that is: a competition for linemen from electric companies all over the state (yes, that is all I can say). I still don't know how they are scored or what all they have to do in the contests, but I do know that it had lots of activities for the kids and, the most important thing, it was
F-R-E-E!! Ask my dad if you want to know more about it, he is an electrician and I am sure he could explain it to you (though I'm not sure if he has ever climbed poles before). We arrived around 10:30 and, in true Florida style, it was scorching hot already. We walked around for a little while watching parts of the competition until Caleb and Ella saw the kids' area and decided they wanted to go there. They started off at a booth where they could decorate a picture of themselves in a mini-bucket truck. There were little packages of foam stickers in various themes - Caleb picked sports and Ella picked princesses. After they were done with their craft, we went to the airbrush tatoo booth where Caleb got a Superman tatoo and Ella got an Ariel tatoo. Once those dried, we visited the HUGE bouncy slide and bounce house. Lillian just watched, smiled, and took it all in. Needless to say, after all that we had three very sweaty and worn out kiddos.

Saturday evening we delivered mercy meals to some people from church and then decided to go walk the lake as a family - the first attempt at such a task. We had the girls in our double stroller and Caleb in the umbrella stroller... we could have let him walk or ride his bike but it was a little late in the day to attempt that - we wanted to be home before dark. They all did great until about the last 15 minutes - then Lillian started fussing. We tried giving her a pacifier, a toy, a sippy cup, making funny faces at her in the stroller... nothing worked - she wouldn't even stop when her big brother was talking to her. Our solution was pretty resourceful but I am sure we looked ridiculous to people driving by. I switched Lillian's car seat to face forward in the stroller and sat Ella in it, moved Caleb to Ella's old spot in the front of the stroller, and collapsed the umbrella stroller to store it in between the two seats of the double stroller. Scott and I then took turns pushing the stroller and holding Lillian. I really wish we had brought the camera with us, but no such luck.

Sunday after church and naps, we went to our friends Greg and Christina's. They are our neighbors who are adopting three kids. She was having sort of a meet-and-greet for all of us to see the kids and let them all play together. They had a blast playing on the baby pool and running through the sprinkler. We all ate together after the kids played. The kids did amazingly well together to have never met each other, and they were really tired afterward so bedtime was a breeze last night!

Caleb and Papa running through the sprinkler

Caleb and Ella with Kameya (4), Janiya (2) and Jacob (3).

Caleb and Leilani (Christina's neice)

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